Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Updates for the Budget line of planes

FOr those that have thought that I have not given the budget line any love lately, well you maybe right. However, we are announcing that the PF-01 Series (A,B,C, and the Two Place Trainer) as well as the PT-01 Petrel Torpedo Bomber will be getting flight script upgrades as well as now being equipped with VICE as well as CCC and TCS. The flight model is a but more realistic than previous modes, but still retains a lot of its speed and maneuverability from previous versions. It now has a HUD in SL units, so it will show true speed in meters per second as well as the altitude in meters.

If you have purchased one of these in the past 6 months or so, you will get a free update by just rezzing it. For those that purchased earlier, send me a note, with how your plane appears in your inventory, and approximate date of purchase and we will send you a new one. The new versions will also begin to propagate though our Vendor network shortly.

Clear Skies.



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